The challenge for Oreo was to create a real-time marketing campaign that would capitalize on the power outage during the Super Bowl. The brand wanted to engage with its target audience and generate buzz quickly
Oreo had only minutes to come up with a marketing campaign that would be clever, witty, and engaging. The brand needed to create a campaign that would resonate with its target audience and generate enough buzz to make an impact
Key Issues
- Capitalizing on the power outage during the Super Bowl to create a real-time marketing campaign
- Creating a clever and witty marketing campaign within minutes of the power outage to engage with the target audience and generate buzz
Solution: – Oreo launched a real-time marketing campaign on Twitter that featured a tweet with the caption “Power out? No problem. You can still dunk in the dark.” The tweet included an image of an Oreo cookie in the dark. The brand created this tweet within minutes of the power outage and used a clever and witty caption to engage with its audience
Results: – Oreo’s real-time marketing campaign was a huge success, with the brand generating millions of impressions and gaining widespread media coverage. The tweet was retweeted more than 15,000 times and was shared across various social media platforms. The campaign helped Oreo to increase its brand awareness and generate positive sentiment among its target audience
Oreo YouTube video link