Digital Marketing and its future

If we talk about the scope of Digital Marketing it is regardless to say that it is immense, there are millions of opportunities available across the companies, the field of Digital marketing has successfully transformed lives of many and still helping billions of minds to either work for MNCs or any other private organization or come up with their own start-up Ideas, this field has stil lot to offer. 

If we see the current data points there are milions of opportunites available and furthur going to increases as and when both organised and unorganised sector develop more understanding about this platform.

Government of India Initiatives on Digital India and Aatmanirbhar Bharat campaigns have shown superb results in transformation of lives of youths, the roots are not only covering central India but also to the far flunged earstwhile neglected states of India.

The current Industry trends shows that many organisations are going to increase their digital spends by 25% more, the growing trends of screens becoming smaller and smaller and confining to 1:1 ratio, people glued on to Netflix, Amazone prime, hotstar and other OTT channels, throwing a net set of challenges over all Digital marketers to study, discover niche groupings and develop new stratigies to target and retarget this segment.

The times ahead are really Intresting and challenging too, but yes picture seems really bright.

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